Let's validate your idea & bring your startup to life!

Unbiased Consultation

We take a detailed look at your startup or business idea so far. This is done holistically with a completely neutral vision.

Market Research

We prepare & undertake accurate market research on the true competitive landscape of your industry & geographies.

Concept Validation

Feasibility testing & unbiased validation experiments for business concepts and startups. The results help to secure real investment.

Our Process


Refine your product


Prove the demand


Develop a brand


Build a prototype

The Pitch!

Pitch for investment

1. Concept

Access our Brain Trust. First we workshop your idea with you to help iron out any kinks and create a plan of attack. We’ve been around the block ourselves and have developed an extensive network over the years. We can put you and your concept in front of the right people and ask the right questions.

Workshop the Concept

Let's workshop your idea. Throw it up on whiteboards and break it down. You'll be surprised how far you'll get with a room full of thinkers and creatives.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Once we have worked out all the possibilities for the future of the startup. It's time to break it down to its most simplest form and get it going.

A Realistic Timeline & Expectations

A part-time venture or a life-changing commitment? We can help develop a realistic timeline & budget, to help you get your idea to fruition. Failing to plan is planning to fail!

2. Research

Let’s get the facts straight. 90% of startups fail. More than half of these failures are due to incorrect or incomplete research. Get in depth analysis of your industry and facts with our unbiased research.

Competitor Analysis

We will undertake thorough unbiased research to discover identical and similar ideas that currently exist in Australia and around the world.

Unbiased Validation

What is the actual level of demand for your idea? Investors hate estimation. Our unbiased validation experiments successfully prove the demand for your concept. The results from this testing can be used in your pitch for investment.

Industry Analysis

Does your idea belong to a growing industry? What is the market size of the industry? Who are the leaders in the space? Legislation? Restrictions? We can provide the answers!

3. Branding

We find that branding is sometimes an after thought for many startups. This makes us bang our heads! A picture tells a thousand words and a brand tells the whole story!

Logo Development

It's in the definition... a design created in order to easily identify a product or service. Let's create one.

Brand ID

We develop a simple yet visually striking web page to show off your idea. This webpage is a simplified version of your final idea. You can use the feedback from this in your end product.

4. Prototype

This is where the fun begins & where your idea comes to life. We have fantastic tools and programs to simply and creatively build the very first versions of your idea. Seriously these apps are cool!

Protoype Web Page

We develop a simple yet visually striking web page to show off your idea. This webpage is a simplified version of your final idea. You can use the feedback from this in your end product.

Prototype Mobile App

We'll develop a fully interactive prototype mobile app for your concept. The app will be able to be shared with potential investors and users of your idea. Get your idea in the hands of the people who want it most!

5. The Pitch!

Not only will you be armed with correct facts and figures that are relevant to your idea and industry. We’ll help you design a visually striking pitch document to support your idea & get that investment over the line.

User Presentation

Everything we've worked on together to this point is now put together into a comprehensive visual presentation that you can shoot out to potential users of your app, product or service.

Supplier Pitch

Does your app idea require onboarding other businesses? We'll put all of the above elements into a killer pitch to impress suppliers and get them to come on board.

Investor Pitch

The big one! We know what investors need, want and hate! Let us combine everything for you into a well defined and clear pitch to blow them away and secure seed funding. Make your million dollar dream a reality.

We are here FOR STARTERS!